Arrowhead Master Plan

In This Section

The land now known as Arrowhead was created through the placement of paper sludge along the southern shore of Little Lake Butte Des Morts.  The landfill operated from 1952 to 1976.  The P.H. Glatfelter paper mill utilized the eastern edge of the site until the mid-1990’s. In the late 1990’s, Minergy Corporation developed an incinerator facility on the central part of the site to burn paper sludge. That facility operated for nearly a decade before the P.H. Glatfelter mill closed.  In 2016, the incinerator was demolished and all remnants of the former manufacturing uses of the site were removed.

Major milestones:

  • 2006 – Herb and Dolly Smith Park and trestle construction
  • 2014 – Trail constructed along shoreline
  • 2016 – Minergy facility demolished
  • 2018 – Loop the Little Lake trestle constructed – a 5k loop which connects three municipalities
  • 2023 – Nelson Family Pier constructed

Arrowhead is adjacent to Neenah’s vibrant downtown and is connected via Gateway Park.  Downtown Neenah offers a variety of retail, restaurant, employment, and residential living options.  The daytime population within one mile of Downtown Neenah is over 14,000 people.  Additionally, Downtown Neenah is home to major corporations like Plexus Corporation, Alta Resources, ThedaCare, and the Bergstrom Automotive Group.  The Plaza, rated one of the ten most charming outdoor ice skating rinks in the country by Best Life, is a year-round community facility offering ice skating in the winter, and a community-gathering space in the summer.

For more information on Downtown Neenah, please click on the following links:

Downtown Neenah Snapshot

Future Neenah, Inc.

NeenahNext – Downtown Master Plan

Chris Haese
Director of Community Development
211 Walnut Street
Neenah WI 54956
(920) 886-6127


Arrowhead Master Plan

The Arrowhead Conceptual Master Plan represents a shared community vision for a thirty-acre property located adjacent to the active and vibrant downtown district in the City of Neenah, Wisconsin. The property is located along southern shores of Little Lake Butte Des Morts. The Arrowhead Conceptual Plan is a culmination of over a year of thorough site investigation, community and stakeholder input, and an evaluation of alternative design considerations.   

The City of Neenah is extremely grateful for the professional guidance of RDG Planning and Design who provided significant experience and expertise for the creation of this inspiring plan. The leadership of the Arrowhead Taskforce, the Neenah Parks and Recreation Commission, and the input from the community were instrumental in developing the ideas, site layout, and connections to this site.


Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized.” – Daniel Burnham


Images of Arrowhead

Map of Arrowhead