Cart Placement_Direction_Cropped

Cart Information

Residents living in Single-Family, Two-Family, Three-Family and Four-Family residences.

How do I set up refuse and recycling service?

The City of Neenah has an automated refuse and recycling collection system.  The carts are owned by the city and are assigned to the property.

Residents do not need to set up refuse and recycling service.  Refuse collection is paid for through taxes.  Recycling is paid by the property owner which is billed annually on the tax bill as a recycling fee. 

New residents whose current carts do not meet their needs may exchange the carts once for free.  You can do this by calling the Department of Public Works at 920-886-6240 or by filling out the Cart Exchange form below.

Cart Exchange-No Fee







The City of Neenah has an automated refuse and recycling collection system.  The carts are owned by the city and are assigned to the property.

Refuse collection is paid for through taxes.  Recycling is paid by the property owner which is billed annually on the tax bill as a recycling fee. 

Residents may request carts by calling the Department of Public Works at 920-886-6240, or by filling out the New Construction Cart Request Form below.  

New Construction Cart Request Form




The City offers 2 different size carts for both refuse and recycling. 






# of Kitchen bags it can hold 

65 Gallon 





95 Gallon 





  • Place carts curbside no later than 6:30 A.M. on your day of collection.
  • Place your cart at the curb with the front of the lid facing the street  objects.
  • If terrace is too narrow to place the cart without obstructing your sidewalk, place your cart on your driveway apron.
  • Do not place carts in the street.
  • Keep carts 3 fee apart to allow room for the automated hands to grab the can.
  • Keep a minimum of 3 feet between each cart and any objects such as mailboxes, vehicles, utility poles, or any other.  Click here for an example.

Winter Cart Placement

  • Driveway apron, after you have cleared the snow.
  • Cleared area on terrace.

No Fee Cart Exchange

Residents who have recently purchased an existing home can swap out the current refuse and/or recycle cart one time for free.  If you are interested in swapping out your carts you can call the Public Works Office at 920-886-6240, visit the Public Works Office in person at 211 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, or fill out the Cart Exchange form by clicking the link below.

Cart Exchange-No Fee Form

Paid Cart Exchange

Residents that owned the home at the time the automated collection program began and chose their current cart(s) sizes are charged a $25 per cart swap out fee.  Swap out options are listed below:

Public Works Office, 211 Walnut St, 3rd Floor  -Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card
Online Click Here for Form

New Construction

Residents who have recently built a home and are in need of a refuse and recycle cart can all the Public Works Office at 920-886-6240, visit the Public Works Office in person at 211 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, or fill out the New Construction Cart Request form by clicking the link below.

New Construction Cart Request Form

Carts can take a beating sometimes.  Wheels fall off, handles and lids can break and carts can crack or split down the side.  These are are examples of cart damages beyond the homeowners control that the city will either repair for residents or swap out the cart (s) for free.  

If one or both of the carts has experienced one of these problems please fill out the Cart Maintenance form below, call the Public Works Office at 920-886-6240, or email the office at

Cart Maintenance Form

Carts damaged by the homeowner due to their own doing such as placing fireplace ashes, fire pit ashes, or fireworks in the carts, or backing over them, will be charged a $75.00 exchange fee per cart.  This fee must be paid for in advance.  Residents can contact the Public Works Office at 920-886-6240 for more details,

Residents are able to request both an additional refuse and recycle cart if they currently 95 gallon carts.  The cost for each are listed below:

Refuse cart $205.00 per year
Recycle Cart $25 per year

The extra cart fee will be placed on the residents tax bill.

Renters who request an additional cart must have their landlords call and approve the additional cart(s)

Click here for the Additional Cart Request Form

To find your refuse and recycling day, click on the link below. 

Refuse and Recycle Pick Up Day