The Wisconsin Electronics Recycling Law was enacted on September 1, 2010 by Governor Jim Doyle. The law prohibits disposing of specified electronics in landfills or incinerators. The law is for any person, business or entity in Wisconsin. The law is statewide no matter the origination of the devices households, businesses, governments and institutions included.
Electronics Required To Be Recycled
Why Recycle Electronics
The EPA has stated that e-waste is dangerous when improperly disposed of. Electronic devices are comprised of toxic substances and heavy metals. Materials such as chromium, cadmium, mercury and lead can leach into the soil contaminating the air and waterways. EPA estimates there are about 60 million tons of e-waste per year globally. Recycling this material will save landfill space. For these reasons, there are numerous state laws that now ban e-waste in landfills.
Through the recycling process, these materials can be reclaimed. Most electronic devices are nearly 100 percent recyclable. It would be poor stewardship to landfill these materials.
This will help conserve important natural resources. According to the EPA, one metric ton of circuit boards contains 800 times the amount of gold mined from one metric ton of ore.
The more recycled material is available, the lower the demand for virgin material.
A quick Google search will provide a list of organizations in most areas that rebuild old electronics and provide them to those who otherwise would go without. “Reuse” is an important component of keeping material out of the waste stream. The EPA’s webpage has a listing of donation programs, at:
E-Waste Recycle Information
Wisconsin DNR Information
2025 E-Waste Recycle Events
May 17th
1495 Tullar Road
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
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